Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Greetings earthlings

So. As always, I refuse to spend time introducing myself at length, only to get annoyed with it, and quit the entire project just because I had to introduce myself. However, a few "vital statistics" seem in order.

Age: 27
Gender: Female
Family: Married (Husband will be hereafter known as "B", with one daughter, who will be called "Munchkin")
Location: Delaware
Faith: Christian - OPC/PCA/reformed, presbyterian... Biblical.
Hobbies: Music (GOOD music, none of this popular trash), martial arts, geek things, baking (not cooking - baking.)

If there is anything major omitted here, feel free to ask.


Blogger Adrian C. Keister said...

Hi, there. I got your email, and definitely have things to think about. ;-)] Welcome to the blogosphere, again.

O, incidentally, it's up to you, of course, but you might want to turn on word verification. Otherwise you get nasty comment spammers.

In Christ.

1/02/2007 4:39 PM  
Blogger Eltinwe said...

Good point about the verification, thanks. I forgot about that. Now it's up to you to be interested in my rants, or I'll probably quit. *grin*

1/04/2007 7:05 PM  

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